RDS Automatic Dump and Upload to s3
Another awesome script from yours truly. This will automaticly download all databases from a RDS of your choice. It will then upload the .sql dump to your decided s3 bucket for easy and secure storage.
- AWS CLI (With upload access to you s3 bucket)
- mysqldump
1 Setup the environment
First we need to create a little directory where we can work from and run the script. This can be anywhere you want on your system, just make sure that you meet the dependencies for this project.
mkdir rdsAutoBackup cd rdsAutoBackup
Inside this directory we will create a file
where we store all of our sensitive information about our SQL server.vim .my.cnf
WarningMake sure that you use a user which is allowed to dump every database on the sever
- Save the file
- For security we can also make it only readable for the current user by doing
chmod 600 .my.cnf
We also need to make a file where we store all of the databases we want to dump. This file can be called whatever you want and can contain all or some of the databases from your server.
vim databases.txt
database1 database2 database3 database4
- Also we have to make a directory for the dumps
mkdir dumps
2 The script
- Now it’s finaly time for the actual script:
vim dumpAllDatabasesSeparate.sh
echo Please enter the URL for the s3 bucket you want to sync to:
read s3
while IFS= read -r line; do
mysqldump --defaults-file=.my.cnf --set-gtid-purged=OFF $line > dumps/$line\_$(date '+%d%m%y-%H%M').sql
aws s3 mv dumps/* $s3
done <databases.txt
If you don’t want it to move to s3 and just want a local dump, then here is a simplified version:
while IFS= read -r line; do
mysqldump --defaults-file=.my.cnf --set-gtid-purged=OFF $line > dumps/$line\_$(date '+%d%m%y-%H%M').sql
done <databases
Save the file and make it executable
chmod +x dumpAllDatabasesSeparate.sh
That’s it! Just run the script and paste in the location of your s3 bucket where you want to store the data and watch the magic work for you.